We held a panel discussion “Childhood and Adolescent Obesity – What Can (and Must) We Do?”
very third child in Croatia aged 9 is overweight. These are the data from the Croatian Institute of Public Health’s international study ”European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative Croatia 2021/2022”.
These findings motivated us to establish the “Center for the Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity” within our clinic. As the first step in long-term education, awareness-raising, and treatment to reduce these alarming statistics, we held a panel discussion titled ‘Childhood and Adolescent Obesity – What Can (and Must) We Do?’.
Here’s why we must not stop talking about childhood obesity!
Experts from Polyclinic Salvea addressed the gathered audience – Prof. Dr. Milivoj Jovančević, one of Croatia’s most prominent pediatricians, and Prof. Dr. Darija Vranešić-Bender, a nutritionist.
Given the rising obesity rates among youth in Croatia, Polyclinic Salvea has initiated the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity. The Center is unique in its holistic approach to obesity – involving a pediatrician and nutritionist in prevention and treatment, and including psychologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, cardiologists, orthopedists, and kinesiologists as needed. Primary care physician Jovančević discussed the medical aspects of obesity.
Prevention is paramount, but treatment should not be delayed for too long

In everyday life, obesity does not always manifest as an obvious problem. Often we only see a cute, chubby child without any apparent issues. However, behind this exterior, metabolic processes gradually damage organs, laying the groundwork for serious health complications such as high blood pressure, changes in blood fat and sugar levels, and premature aging of joints and blood vessels.
What often goes unnoticed is that these processes become irreversible problems by the age of thirty, highlighting the urgency of addressing obesity. Therefore, obesity can be considered a stealthy disease – emphasized primary care physician Jovančević.
The prevention and treatment of childhood obesity involve several factors, with nutritionists playing a significant role in this process.
A holistic approach is crucial for the long-term success of childhood obesity therapy
The nutritionist is responsible for educating and introducing an appropriate dietary model, ensuring the child receives everything needed for optimal growth and development while simultaneously reducing caloric intake relative to daily needs without causing starvation.
Motivation and continuous monitoring of the child, as well as the entire family, are essential elements. Finally, the level of physical activity is defined to help achieve the ultimate goal – very gradual but permanent weight loss – emphasized professor Vranešić-Bender, MD.
To facilitate the recognition of obesity and increased risk, doctors at Polyclinic Salvea recommend a simple method of determining the waist-to-height ratio. This ratio indicates excessive abdominal fat accumulation, which is potentially more harmful than subcutaneous fat and is the only reliable predictor of cardiovascular disease risk and increased mortality.
Abdominal fat is the most dangerous, secreting more than 60 harmful chemical compounds. During the treatment process, doctors also work with parents who are involved from the beginning of the treatment.
– Our Center welcomes all children struggling with obesity, regardless of age and the severity of the condition, into individual and group programs. It is important to involve parents from the very beginning, introducing them to a support group and teaching them how to manage their child’s diet, physical activity, and how to monitor physical changes in their child.
Polyclinic Salvea has approached every young patient holistically from the beginning, which certainly includes addressing one of the most pressing issues – obesity. This interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to such a problem has proven to be the most effective – highlighted Marija Bošnjak, Director of Polyclinic Salvea.
The Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity is already working on education, awareness-raising, and diagnostics, and all interested in the therapeutic program can apply by calling 01/3300-505 and 099/1626-579 or emailing Polyclinic Salvea at [email protected].

The program leaders are experts from Polyclinic Salvea – professor Milivoj Jovančević, MD, one of Croatia’s most prominent pediatricians, and professor Darija Vranešić-Bender, MD, a nutritionist.